Cultured Kids Club Policies
Contact us in advance if you will be absent. Make-up classes can be scheduled up to 30 days after the absence, for all currently registered students, on a space-available basis.
We do not refund for missed classes due to child absence.
No missed classes will be carried over to the next semester.
Open enrollment! Join at any time.
Placement is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration must be completed before the student can attend class.
Registration is confirmed once we receive your initial tuition payment.
All students will be registered for the current semester he or she is entering.
We require one-month written notice (email or direct mail) for cancellation.
We take personal privacy very seriously. We don't sell or release personal information to third parties.
Cultured Kids Club reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any child if:
In the opinion of the staff, continued attendance would not be in the best interest of either the child or the class.
Tuition payments are not current.
We reserve the right to cancel or change class times.
All CKC Center in-person students will be received curb side drop off. Parents remain in the car. Teachers or CKC staff will claim student at parent/guardian's car and return students to parent/guardian's car.
All CKC Center In-person students must be received symptom and temperature free (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/children/mis-c.html). Teachers or CKC staff will "pre-screen" each student before entering the building.
No person will be allowed in the building who is not a "pre-screened" registered student.
No students with symptoms (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/children/mis-c.html) will be allowed in the building.
All students are required to wash hands before entering the classroom and wash hands after class.
All students are required to quarantine for 10 days if symptomatic.
If quarantined, all CKC Center in-person classes will transition to LIVE Zoom online classes (Parent & Tot classes will be cancelled).
Cultured Kids Club offers two types of tuition payment options.
The semester payment option is a one-time payment that pays for the whole semester.
The monthly payment option automatically enrolls you in our monthly automatic payment program. Tuition is divided equally over the semester months.
If you register and enroll for classes after the 1st of the month, call us.
We will pro-rate your tuition.
If you are registering siblings, call us to receive your 10% family discount on all classes.
Except for the Accelerated Pre-K Program (no additional discounts apply)!
Discounts can not be combined.
Our Guarantee:
We’re sure your family will be delighted with our programs!
However, if you are unable to continue with us for any reason, we will refund the prorated remainder of your tuition after written notice of cancellation.
Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury or illness sustained on school or personal property resulting from normal lesson activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after class time.
Photo Release:
Cultured Kids Club, LLC is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.
Cultured Kids Club is a NUT FREE ZONE!
For extreme food allergies, epinephrine must be left with the student on-premises.
Any special food preferences must be provided by parent or guardian.
Emails are serviced by Constant Contact and Gmail.
If you have questions regarding our policies, call us at 1-800-450-5413.